Product Details


Introduction In this project, we will make an IoT based wireless Wi-fi robot car using the NodeMCU ESP8266-12e Wi-Fi board with the L298n Motor driver module. We will interface this Wi-fi Car with Mert Arduino application in which by entering the IP address, you can control by giving the directional command using the smartphone. HARDWARE REQUIRED Node MCU (esp82 66-12e v1.0) Wi-fi Board -1 L298N Motor driver Module -1 Jumper wires (male to male) - 20 pcs Jumper wires (male to female) - 20 pcs 170 pt. Breadboard -1 Micro USB cable-1 1050mah rechargeable battery Li-Po battery -1 (not included in the kit) 2-wheel car chassis kit -1 WORKING AND OUTPUT After uploading the code, open the application. The wi-fi address for the phone and board should be the same. The operating system of the smart mobile phone in android we develop a remote control program. The program connected with wi-fi to communicate with the robot. Wireless control is the most important basic needs of all people. Wireless network-controlled robots use wi-fi modules. Arduino blue control android application will transmit command using wi-fi to the car so that it can move in the required direction like moving forward, reverse, turning left, turning right and stop.